This post will only make sense if you're "with it", technically speaking. In particular, you facebook fiends....
Question... why do people put "@" in front of a persons name to whom they're addressing? For instance, on a Facebook post, several friends leave me a comment, and then I want to reply to one of those comments, so I begin my comment by addressing that person by name so everyone knows who I'm replying to. But I've noticed in these replies people don't just put the persons name, but feel the need to put an @ sign in front of it; like @Nate. Is that the new coolguy thing to do these days you crazy, hip kids? Cause as far as I know, you don't need an @ sign to clarify who the heck you're addressing. That's what their name is for. Which, by the way, you've already listed. I'm just sayin'...
Um...I think I'm just too old (and obviously not nearly cool enough) to know people who do that because honestly, I've never seen it...and I'm glad. It sounds painfully stupid. :) Leave it to you to say "WTH?" Thanks, one makes me scratch my head at society like you do!
Actually it isn't stupid, it's a way of answering multiple posts in one post. You just name the person you're talking to at that moment, write your bit and move on. It's kinda like a heading to say "this is where the post to that person ends and the post to that person begins". It's easier to type that putting a whole lot of dashes together
oh, and Jessica, at your age you're definitely too old.. compared. You might be square, but not old :)
looks like facebook has made that symbol "official" for posting. talk about overkill indeed!
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