May 17, 2010

Thanks for pointing that out.

Please note the title of this post should be read with some serious sarcasm. But those of you familiar with my blog, probably wouldn't have read it any other way. Yesterday I had one of those, "did that really just happen?" moments that left me scratchin' my head.
It's Sunday, I'm at church waiting for services to begin, sitting on the edge of the pew when an elderly woman I know approaches me and casually asks, "Do you have any children?" I reply, "Nope." She then quickly touches my face just below my right eye and says, "then what's keeping you up all night?"
Oh my freakin goodness. Did that just really happen? Thanks for pointing out that I practically have black eyes. I happen to get plenty of sleep. But to her point, I have always had dark circles under my eyes, an unfortunate result of thin skin and lots of purpley blue viens. And I don't like to wear foundation makeup so I just roll with it. But I definately don't need anyone to point out my flaws. Maybe I should have retorted, "hey, have you been laying out in the sun all week? You haven't? Then what's the deal with all those wrinkles?"


Chelsea Stewart said...

holy rudeness! for the record i have always thought you have gorgeous eyes! that's our kooky ward for you though haha

Unknown said...

lol...we do have a strange ward. glad i'm not easily offended. i know she didn't mean anything by it...and it gives me something to blog about! we all win.

Jessica Martiele said...

No, really. WHO? I must know.

dallin+michelle said...

a good reply would have been, "actually my hot husband keeps me up all night making crazy love to me. i can't help the dark circles for the moment we're busy PROCREATING HERE!!" hahahaha!

Kim said...

Oh my gosh...who does that? Hopefully it was a really really old woman because they are just crazy.

mellabie said...

Thanks for sharing...I was cracking up!

Cassandra said...

Are you serious? I just can't believe there are people out there who say these kinds of things!